Event Information
Exploring Dreams, Symbols and Messages After the Loss of a Loved One (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

If you have suffered the loss of a loved one, you may have had an experience that indicated their spirit “lives on” after their death. These out-of-the-ordinary happenings stir powerful emotions and touch a deep chord within you. But how can you make sense of them? During this interactive presentation, you will have an opportunity to describe these events in the context of a safe, confidential setting. We shall also consider various ways to open our awareness toward these experiences and discern their messages. Some of the topics we will consider include visitation dreams, visions, hearing a voice, feeling a presence, smelling a familiar fragrance, or discovering meaningful coincidences that occur in your lives or those of friends and relatives. We shall also address any comforting or frightening dreams relating to you or your departed loved ones and how to understand their meaning. The option to share your stories or to just listen will be honored in our circle.

Ann E. Aswegan  RN, MS Ed   is a dream consultant  and holistic health educator, who has offered workshops and retreats throughout the US for the past 25 years.  She is the author of Awakening to the Song of Your Self: Revelations by Day and Dreams by Night.