Event Information
Everyday Adventures: Soup & a Stroll Location: Gilda's Club (7907 UW Health Court, Middleton, WI 53562)

Soup & a Stroll

Thursday, December 19th 12pm-1:30 pm

Meeting in the Gilda's Club Community Room

Join us at Gilda's Club for a warm lunch followed by a stroll down the Pheasant Branch Trail. We will meet at 12pm for lunch and meeting one another. Then at 12:30pm we will walk the trail for an hour. We will do an out and back seeing how far we can get before we need to turn around. The trail is paved and generally cleared off, but please bring anything to support your walk : proper footwear, walking sticks, water.

You are welcome to come only for soup and visiting with others, there is no requirement to walk.