Friday, April 19 @ 10:30am-12pm
Walking Iron County Park
6064 Beckman Rd Mazomanie, WI 53560
Join naturalist Eric Volden and Gilda's Club staff on a guided spring wildflower hike. We should see a variety of early spring ephemerals, including Pasqueflowers, Prairie Smoke, Dutchman's Breeches, and Hepatica. If we're lucky, we may even see migrating birds and early butterflies!
What are spring ephemerals? They are wildflowers that only appear for a brief window during the spring. It's their ephemeral nature that makes them extra special to see.
The trail at Walking Iron County Park is wide and flat. We'll have an optional additional trek onto a more narrow, uneven section of the trail. We'll hike approximately 1.5 miles depending on our pace and how much we see. Our naturalist hikes are slow with plenty of pauses so that we can take in all of the little details in nature.