Event Information
Music Exploration (PUBLIC)
9:30 - 11:30 am
November 19 and December 3

1 - 3 pm
November 23 and December 14

Come and enjoy live music brought to you by students and ensembles from the Mead Witter School of Music.

Each meeting will introduce new and exciting classical music, as well as a space for all to share their own musical passions, classical or not. We aim to break down the stigmas of classical music and find the deeper meanings behind all music that bridges the gap between genres, all while connecting members of your community.

Through musical creation, improvisational exercises, group drumming and song, responding through other artistic media such as drawing and writing, and jam sessions, we will host an expectation-free zone to help inspire personal expression, and share your creativity and artistic human self with others in your community.

These sessions are open to all ages, without exception or expectation. Please come and engage with us as you are comfortable, and able. There is unique music to discover each session; come as many times as you like!

Refreshments will be provided.