Event Information
Workshop: Living An Authentic Life Location: 7907 UW Health Ct., Middleton Come explore what it means to live your life to the fullest. We will discuss what it means and how it feels to be authentic. Authenticity requires the practice of self awareness. Starting as children, especially in middle school and high school, we begin to wear masks and develop armor to fit in and protect ourselves from shame and embarassment. Over time we lose sight of which face is real and begin to develop habits that may not be true to our likes and dislikes. Imagine authenticity as a way of being in which one consistently behaves in a manner that is true to one’s own perceptions, values, passions, principles and innerknowing, despite colossal pressures to conform to family, society, and culture. An authentic existence is one without self-deception, pretense or attempts to impress. For the first 10 years of my experience with cancer, I never showed vulnerability or fear. I was always fine and “living life to the fullest”. I finally let down my guard when I was too sick and tired to maintain the falsehood. That is when I started to have genuine connections and support. Please join me so we can learn together how to enhance our relationships and support systems.